Supervisor Software Engineering


As Supervisor Software Engineering you will co-lead the development of Embedded Software Engineering

Tasks & Responsibilities

▪ Develop and align Agile teams
▪ Coach en support all Software Engineers in your group
▪ Align application software development processes over projects
▪ Deploy application of software development processes and deliverables based upon Automotive SPICE
▪ Define roadmap for future application software development processes and techniques
▪ Manage allocation of employees, in close alignment the Engineering manager Application Software and pProject Management
▪ Organize frequent group meetings for bi-directional information and status exchange
▪ Create resource forecasts based on project activities and contents as part of project plans and budgeting
▪ Monitor project proceedings with scrum master, project lead engineers and engineering manager
▪ Identify and select tools and methods to maximize efficiency of the engineering group
▪ Create and maintain the roadmap for required competences and skills of the engineering group
▪ Personal development of skill and competences for the direct reports

Jouw profiel

▪ Master Degree in (Embedded) Software Engineering or equivalent
▪ Knowledge of Automotive Safety (ISO26262), Cybersecurity (ISO/SAE-21434, UN155&156) and system development (Automotive SPICE) standards
▪ At least 7 year of relevant working experience with:
▪ Leading a teams of engineers/specialists
▪ Automotive embedded application software development and processes
▪ Agile software development and model based software development
▪ Working in a project matrix structure
▪ Strong interpersonal skills, especially listening and synthesizing
▪ Analytical skills and the ability to abstract from the current situation
▪ Ability to act and adapt in a fast changing environment serving multiple stakeholders
▪ Ability to collaborate across different groups having varying levels of expertise and skill
▪ People manager with soft skills, leading the development and succession for the direct reports
▪ Fluent in English language - effective communication in both verbal and written form. Willing to learn Dutch language.

  • De methodes en middelen voor studies en ontwerp en hun uitvoering bepalen
  • Wetenschappelijke, technologische, technische, reglementaire, … informatie opvolgen en actualiseren
  • Domein: Ontwikkeling
  • Technische dossiers voor de beschrijving van het project opstellen en aanpassen
  • Verschillende diensten en klanten technisch bijstaan
  • Programma's voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling bepalen en coördineren
  • De activiteiten van een team coördineren
    Een organisatie leiden
  • De uitvoerbaarheid van het project bestuderen
    Technische en technologische voorstellen uitwerken
  • Oplossingen en technische en technologische evoluties ontwikkelen
    De kenmerken en eisen van het project bestuderen


▪ A marketconform and attractive salary
▪ A full travel allowance
▪ 25 holidays a year
▪ A collective retirement fund
▪ A growing organisation with personal development opportunities
▪ You will be working for a highly regarded customer on challenging projects
▪ Appreciation for our colleagues is very important. Therefore we have activities for all our colleagues on a regular basis. We also provide all our employees with a birthday present and Christmas gift.


Luuk Rothkrantz
+31 45 531 25 86