Logistics and Inventory Coordinator


Job purpose

The primary purpose of the Logistics and Inventory Coordinator role is to ensure the efficient management and coordination of all logistics and inventory operations. This includes maintaining accurate stock levels, coordinating the dispatch and delivery of shipments, and overseeing the importation of products and services. The role involves meticulous tracking and management of inventory, preparation of comprehensive customs and shipping documentation, and ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations. By maintaining high standards of quality control and accuracy in inventory and shipping processes, this position supports the smooth operation and timely delivery of products.

Duties and responsibilities

· Coordinate the dispatching and delivery of shipments, ranging from single parcels to full containers, from Essen, and oversee the transport of goods across Europe and the importation of products and services.

· Prepare and manage all necessary customs documentation and comprehensive shipping documents, including packing lists, reference invoices, bills of lading, and certificates for global shipments from Essen, ensuring compliance with all relevant customs regulations.

· Manage and control stock levels in Essen.

· Oversee inventory management to maintain optimal stock levels, eliminate discrepancies, and ensure complete and accurate inventory control, including verifying availability, organizing, cleaning, conducting regular checks, and replenishing supply inventories.

· Supervise the reception, storage, and daily management of product stock in Essen, maintaining high standards of quality control for received and delivered products.

· Monitor inventory levels and maintain daily stock counts in line with PAR level requirements, ensuring the accuracy of orders to guarantee correct and timely delivery.


Education:Bachelor's degree in Logistics, Business Administration, or related field preferred.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

· Strong organizational and multitasking abilities.

· Excellent communication and coordination skills.

· Proficient in inventory management software and logistics systems.

· Detailed knowledge of customs regulations and documentation.

· Languages: English & Dutch

Experience: Minimum of 3 to 5 years of experience in logistics, inventory management, or a related role.

  • Technische steun verlenen aan de productie, de logistiek, ...
  • De uitvoering van de interne en in onderaanneming uitgevoerde activiteiten met betrekking tot de goederenbehandeling, de opslag en het transport controleren
  • De lancering van de productiedocumenten uitvoeren en de voortgang van de fabricageorders opvolgen
  • De fabricage plannen rekening houdend met de bestellingen, de productievereisten en onvoorziene situaties
  • Domein: Beheer van productiestromen, de logistieke keten (supply chain)
  • Fabricage- en verpakkingsdossiers voorbereiden
  • Gegevens met betrekking tot het beheer van de productiestromen optimaliseren
    De informatiesystemen actualiseren
  • Technische ondersteuning bieden bij de selectie van leveranciers of onderaannemers
  • Circuits voor de verzending van producten naar de klanten organiseren en de verschillende acties coördineren
  • De voorraad opvolgen, tekorten vaststellen
    Bestellingen plaatsen
  • De conformiteit van bestellingen, verzendingen of leveringen controleren
  • Veranderingen in een logistieke keten bepalen en voorstellen
  • Risico’s voor productieonderbreking en bevoorradingsproblemen identificeren
    Oplossingen voorstellen
    Behoeften aan producten en materialen bepalen


Amanda Sigue

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