IT Operations Manager


  • You support the CIO in her mission to reach the operational excellence by having an active role on different processes, on governance, on tools & monitoring and communication.

  • Manage and guide a team to provide IT services across multiple sites.

  • You lead IT projects focusing on operational efficiency, security, IT landscape, rationalization, office infrastructure and user experience improvements.

  • You oversee contracts and relationships with key IT vendors, ensuring efficient and effective service delivery.

  • You foster collaboration among cross functional teams and external partners, to achieve and maintain company objectives and best practices.

  • You develop and implement IT service strategies, frameworks and policies to optimize various ICT services, ensuring consistency, reliability and futuring-proofing.

  • Define, implement and manage SLAs for assigned services to meet business needs at agreed-upon levels.

  • Lead performance reporting and provide recommendations to improve the customer experience.

  • You develop and maintain IT operations roadmaps, budgets and forecast.

Jouw profiel

  • You have 5 to 10 years' experience in IT operations. Experience in OT is a plus, not a must.

  • Strong knowledge of the functioning of an IT operations service: ITIL processes, IT Infrastructure & applications landscape.

  • You have cybersecurity experience.

  • You have a strong customer focus mindset.

  • You are a teamplayer and with your no-nonsense attitude, you coordinate your team to get the things done. You can inspire a team but are also close enough to the operations to step in when needed.

  • You have excellent communications skills in English

  • You have coaching and guiding skills, supporting team growth and confidence building.

  • Onderhoudsopdrachten starten of plannen
    De conformiteit van de opdrachten controleren
  • Elektrische, elektronische en informaticastoringen identificeren
    Corrigerende maatregelen nemen
  • De activiteiten van een team coördineren
  • Verzamelde informatie controleren en verwerken of doorsturen
  • Controleren van de land-, zee-, luchtzones en de opsporings-, bijstands-, hulpinterventies of -operaties oriënteren
  • Elektromagnetische of geluidssignalen lokaliseren en analyseren
  • De teamleden, gezagvoerder, bevoegde instanties, ... informeren over de interventies en de evolutie van de situatie
  • De toepassing van veiligheidsregels controleren
    De beveiliging van materieel en kritische punten controleren
  • Zones inrichten
    Gevechts-, verdedigings- en beschermingsmaterieel en -systemen opstellen
  • Doorgestuurde of uitgezonden gegevens, signalen, metingen en beelden opsporen of verzamelen en deze identificeren
  • Communicatie en uitgezonden informatie bewaken en analyseren
  • Toezicht houden op de prestatie, de capaciteit en de kwaliteit van het netwerk
    De apparatuur, informatiesystemen en -overdragers aanpassen
  • Apparatuur, informatiesystemen en -overdragers voorbereiden of monteren (conditionering, logistiek, ...)
  • De werking van de apparatuur, informatiesystemen en -overdragers controleren
  • Personeel briefen en opleiden over de technieken (gebruik, veiligheid, onderhoud, ...)
  • Basisonderhoud van de apparatuur, informatiesystemen en -overdragers uitvoeren
  • Cijfermatige of gecodeerde informatie verwerken en doorsturen
  • Acties leiden en middelen organiseren


  • A challenging and rewarding role within a creative and inspiring team

  • Opportunities for professional growth and development

  • A modern and inspiring work environment with the latest technologies such as MS Azure Cloud platform

  • Flexible hours and home office policy

  • A clear sustainable strategy

  • With the team, we regularly attend various sport events. Welcome!


Louise Huybrechts
050 61 93 85

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